This case, provided for by a special code, was punished by an addition of five years, two of them in the double chain. 五年当中,要受两年的夹链。
You'll note that this type doesn't require any special Kilim code. 您会注意到这个类型不需要任何特殊的Kilim代码。
The plain attributes should neither trigger any special code nor suffer the time penalty of working through method code. 这些普通属性不会触发任何特殊代码,也不会因为遍历方法代码而浪费时间。
Of those, more than two-thirds required no special code to update the kernel. 其中超过三分之二的补丁不需要为更新内核编写特殊代码。
After it was released, a bug in the floating-point math unit was discovered, requiring every operating-system maker to write special code to accommodate the problem. 在它发布之后,在浮点数据单元中发现了一个bug,需要每个操作系统创建者来编写特定代码解决这个问题。
The weaver then adds some special code into the various classes and methods where the Pausable marker is found. weaver然后将一些特殊代码添加到包含Pausable标记的各种类和方法中。
And, as we'll see in the Java source code generation topic, the container generates special Java code for the EL expression. 正如我们将要在Java源代码生成主题中看到的,容器将为EL表达式生成特殊的Java代码。
You'll have some special code for editing cards in the view, so you'll use nil in place of what would otherwise be some view-to-model method name. 在视图中,您将有专门的代码用于编辑卡片,所以在本应使用view-to-model之类的方法名的地方,您将使用nil。
Facelets solves a pet peeve of mine about internationalization: writing a lot of special code for something I may never need. Facelets解决了国际化给我带来的一大烦恼:编写大量可能永远也用不到的代码。
Unique to this tool is that you can create these tests without having to program any special code. 这款工具比较独特的一点是,您可以创建这些测试,而不用编写任何特殊的代码。
The JDBC driver indicates the loss of a connection with a special error code. JDBC驱动程序用一个特殊的错误码表示连接的丢失。
You no longer must write special code to generate custom forms based on user responses. 您不必再编写特殊代码来生成基于用户响应的定制表单。
That's a special code, of course. 当然,那是一种特殊代码。
We usually have to speak in code& a special code that develops naturally during a marriage. 我们通常以代码来对话&一种在婚姻中自然而然发展而来的特殊代码。
This is all transparent to the user and no special code needs to be written. 这对于用户来说是全透明的,不需要任何额外的代码需要编写。
The browsers native implementation interprets the special response code and sends the user off to the destination. 本机的浏览器解释执行特殊的响应代码,并发送用户关闭到目的地。
They were asked to point the cameras in their mobile phones at a special code in the advertisements. That would connect them automatically to a website that streamed video of the vehicle in action. 该广告邀请他们用其手机上的摄像头对准广告中的一个特殊编码,然后他们的手机便会自动与一个播放行驶中汽车的视频网站连接。
A number of specific USB storage devices are listed as separate configuration items, as they do not follow the standard USB specification and require special code. 有一些特殊的USB存储设备是作为单独的配置项列出的,因为它们并不遵循标准的USB标准因而需要专门编写代码。
No special code in the product was used. 在产品使用上没有任何特殊代码。
Luckily, this special case code can be encapsulated and reused. 幸运的是,这种特殊代码可以封装并重用。
Water leaking into the body area is coded using a special damage code. 使用专用损坏代码对车身不同区域的漏水情况进行编码。
In order to improve the above, one should set up a special code, standardize the style code and intensify the internal category relation in a scientific, simplified and universal way, thus meeting the demand of information network construction. 应通过设置专号代码,规范文体代码,强化族性关系等办法予以修正,以便更好地体现图书分类的科学性、简明性和通用性,以适应组建图书情报网络的需要。
Analysis of the Performance of Carrier Resumption Loops for a Special Code Structure 一种特殊的码型对载波恢复环路性能影响的分析
· Random puncturing method to improve the weight distribution of turbo codes with some special code rates is analyzed and simulated. ·提出了采用随机删余方式改善特定高码率Turbo码重量分布特性的方法;
General commodity bar-code is a special code to input data into computer with opto-elec-trical scanner. 本文介绍通用商品条形码,该条形码是一种特殊的条码,是利用光电扫描将数据输入到计算机。
Then Chinese Maritime Code became the most special code, for its owned two different legal thinking. 于是,海商法就成为了中国法律体系中最为特殊的一部法律,存在两种本质上炯然不同的法律思维。
A special code is designed for data transmission on the tool-bus, so that the too-bus can both supply power and transmit data. 在仪器总线上采用特殊的码进行数据传输,使得仪器总线既能供电又能传输数据。
But a quantity of theory research and few tests on axial compressure of cold-formed medium wall steel have been done, and there is no special code at all. 但目前有关中厚壁冷弯型钢轴心压杆的试验和理论研究十分有限,更没有专门的设计规范。
Ethics of curriculum leadership are special code of conduct and value ideas in specific curriculum reform activities, it has its own unique value significance and scope. 课程领导伦理是在特定课程改革活动中所形成的特殊的行为规范和价值意念,具有自身独特的价值表征和适用范围。
As one kind of 2D barcode, QR Code is a special code based on Digital Image Processing and coding theory. QR码作为一种二维条码,是建立在图像处理技术、组合编码原理等基础上的一种特殊码制。